secret gardens of chicago – part 1 – alfred caldwell lily pool
This is the first in a series of posts about the secret gardens in Chicago and is in honor of my Mom and Mother’s Day. She has the unique ability to identify so many flowers & plants. A trait that I, sadly, did not inherit. Love you, little Momma! alfred caldwell lily pool One of my favorite escapes from the hectic, urban jungle is the Alfred Caldwell Lily Pool (aka Lincoln Park Lily Pool). It is a serene outdoor oasis located in the south section of the Lincoln Park Zoo (Cannon & Fullerton). Originally part of a Victorian Garden built in 1889, it fell out of popularity and into disrepair…
it’s still february in chicago – THINK SPRING
This content uses referral links and contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links at no cost to you. This is going to be a short post. I have to switch gears to my tour guide business since I’ve gotten quite busy early this year. Also, I’m working on creating a few new routes. Check out my tour routes & reviews. Click here & search for Mimi in Chicago. Yes, it’s still February in Chicago, but we’ve been very lucky this year. It’s been a pretty mild winter so far. Fingers crossed, but don’t even think we are out of the woods…